Tuesday, September 11, 2012

9/11... Eleven Years Later

Eleven years ago today, I woke up excited to be leaving for vacation after school that day. I was sitting in study hall when a teacher rushed into the room and turned on the tv, the first tower was already on fire. I stared at the screen trying to figure out what movie we were watching that would show such violence. Then I realized that it was truly happening miles and miles away. Then the second plane approached as my heart sank, thinking of all the people that were trapped in those buildings. I just put my head down and cried. People can argue the politics of the matter, the motives, the reasons... but the fact is that 3,000 innocent people who were just going about their day lost their lives... lives that should NEVER be forgotten. Always remember today, for their sakes if nothing else. 

To quote of of my favorite books, Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close, which is about a post 9/11 NYC and a little boy who lost his dad to the towers:
“She died in my arms, saying, "I don't want to die." That is what death is like. It doesn't matter what uniforms the soldiers are wearing. It doesn't matter how good the weapons are. I thought if everyone could see what I saw, we would never have war anymore.”

Forever in our hearts, Never forgotten.

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