Thursday, November 22, 2012


Happy Thanksgiving all! Now beyond all the seriously effed up origins of this holiday (cough-genocide-cough) I really do enjoy this day every year. I guess that's in-part to the fact that living all alone leads to a lot of pasta/sandwich/ramen/odd dinners. I love home cooked food more than anything and I personally love to cook, but when there's only you, it can be hard to keep fresh ingredients around. Things go bad before I can eat them, and I loathe wasting. So in the end, I only buy certain things, in set amounts that I know I can eat before the next time I go shopping.

Anyways, I love going home for some mother-made meals! It gets even better when I realize that I can have these immense, delicious meals and not have to wash all of the dishes afterwards. I know that's probably a little selfish of me, but hey... I'm used to having a dishwasher to do those sorts of things, or a mother that did them herself until I was older. Here, I've been washing my own dishes for so long. Yes, I do realize that  I  make most of the dishes dirty myself, but sometimes when I have people over for dinner, I'd love a hand in cleaning that mess up... but I'm by my lonesome. So going home is a treat in that aspect too, I can just eat, enjoy myself, and have fun.

I'm wondering if I've outgrown the days when every time I interacted with my mother, especially on holidays and special occasions, we'd get into catastrophic style arguments. Literally, every single holiday. Oh the teenaged years. I should have learned to pick my battles. Thankfully (ah ah see what I did there?) I think I've surpassed those years and going home is a really exciting moment for me. Thanks for hanging with me Mum, I know it wasn't easy.

So now onto the good part, the people in my life that I am thankful for: my family, Kemmif, Zy, Sarah-ra-ra &Ryan, my BL (Lea Joy), Nikita, Erika, ALL of my work friends (both jobs too), Lucas, Panza, Theo, Hub & Flash,  and far too many other people to list. You guys should know I'm not good with lists. I think I have a perfect list in my head, but then I go to write it and I forget half the things, think of new ones, or downright lose my train of thought. Then I look at the list and think 'what a pathetic little list, people are going to be wondering why you even bothered, it just looks silly.'

Yeah, thanks brain. I guess journalists or writers are never satisfied with the look of our own work. We always push for perfection.

Anyways, Happy Thanksgiving everyone, I hope you have a happy, warm, and safe one. I know I'll be spending mine playing the new Wii-U with my family and boyfriend at my parents house.

Oh and happy first day off in 18 days. Yay!

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